Clicking moves right

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Iguana doodles...

Friday, April 24, 2009

Character Armor Concepts

Was messing around for a few hours...

Saturday, April 18, 2009

CoW #140 WIP

I've been under the weather these last few days, so I did not get anything done worth showing. Oh well, new day! :)

I decided to do the creature of the week to get me to draw something.

The Creature of the Week (CoW) this week was "Six Legged Steed from the Future!".

Here is my WIP...

Enjoy! :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Dragon Pet

Bah... nothing was coming out right today... here is one of my attempts anyways...

I messed up on a few things. I'll just have to remember those for next time. :|

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Value and Value with Color

I have a hard time just sitting down and start drawing, so I figured doing something is better than nothing. I came across this really nice thread on

They had many good personal projects to do. I went ahead and took a stab at the first project, so here it is...

My first one (1) was really horrifying. Keep in mind I have never painted in real life, so my choices are not the best to begin with. I hope to get around to actually painting in the future, but my current environment is not the best place for such activities.

My second one (2) was a little better. The values for greens and yellows seem to be much brighter to the eye. The other end is red and blue seem to be really strong to the eye.

Results: I recommend checking this project out if you want to see how you treat your values.

I will probably tackle the 2nd project tomarrow! :)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Speed Paint!

I'm feeling much better with the results now. Enjoy! :D

Friday, April 10, 2009

New post!

There! Now I posted something! Was in an art slump, now I hope to post here more. :)

And something else I forgot to post awhile back... Charr from Guild Wars. They are fun to draw and probably will be doing some more in the future.