Clicking moves right

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Bold Finished

Learned a lot from it... be experimental!

Bold Part 2

Some more work done... :)


Being bold with color here!

I feel being bold with artwork is very important to give the piece something a little more. Perhaps I can be bolder... we'll see... :)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Barn Dragon

I liked both tones, so I am uploading them both. The one at the top was the modified version, the bottom one is the original.

Little doodle just for fun and trying something new.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Evil Dragon?

Not sure where I was going with this, but this was an idea I had. I will probably play with the exterior design a bit more... what I messed with so far I have not liked, but the concept is fun.

The outer head shell is a decoy and used for protection.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Another Animation Test

I thought I would try something a little more complex. Pretty much just key frames, but you get the idea! :)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Ferrus, the Traveler

I started painting my model I use for my current Dungeons and Dragons game. This is my first model I think I have ever painted. Makes me really want to do some traditional artwork like acrylics.

I'll post more images when I get more work done on it. :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Creepy Owls

Something that me and some friends found at a Value Village...

Pretty creepy... look deep into those eyes! :P

Dragon & Dude #2

It is getting there. I still have some push and pulling to do, but, overall, I am liking the result. :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Dragon & Dude

I had this idea, so I wanted to draw it. It currently has all of it's flat colors (for the most part) and I will be adding some shading and highlights later.

As you can tell, getting much more comfortable at drawing those oddly shaped humans. :P

Enjoy! ^^

Monday, July 5, 2010

Another Try!

Another environment...

Getting a better handle of "structures" and characters in an image. Two problems with this one that "I" see are the ocean perspective does not match up, but that is mainly because I drew the buildings at the wrong perspective. I still wanted to show what was beyond the house/town, so I decided to leave it. The other problem with this one is I feel the character does not match up to the environment.

I hope to slowly iron out a style that will be able to blend characters/creatures and my environments together. The future can only tell...

BTW, Happy 4th of July! :)
(I know it's the 5th, but my next day does not start until after I go to bed! :P )