Clicking moves right

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

More on Comic WIP

Working on page 3... xP

Some quick scans, but it gives you the general idea. I still have to redo the 3rd page, but I figured I would work on that one after I finishing inking the 4th page.

Most likely I will switch to some comic paper for page 5 and on since this is become a more serious project than I predicted. xD

If a question you have is "what is going on?", I really have no idea either. I usually plan things, but I am just going to explore the world, characters, and situations as I go along. It will be like evolving the characters and world as the characters would explore and etc. Silly idea, no? :P

Edit: Also forgot to add that it reads Right to Left, Top to Bottom.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ol' Pencil and Ink

Back to the good ol' pencil and ink.

Just randomly started this comic. :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Family Crest Dragon

I did the pen sketch during an art jam at the PopCap studios. One of the guys suggested something that I have considered and possibly making it into a character for something. The suggestion was to create a family crest to be placed on the side of the head (that dark area). Neat concept... might play around with that. :)

The top was a full body rendition. Sometimes I have trouble recreating a character, so it may take some trail and error to get it to look right (especially from side to frontal view). It will probably look more like the pen sketch once I add a little more of the details that bring out the character.

Kudos on the family crest idea!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Zomg... hooman!

I have a really hard time drawing 'hoomans'. I have many ideas, like comics and such, but I need to know how to draw humans.

I have been slowly implementing them into my artwork to force me to draw them more and more.

Randomly started drawing this guy. Added more and more to him to make him a little more refined (he was originally just a blue sketch).

Enjoy! :P

Another Lizard Eye

I had another doodle WIP, but I am having some real trouble getting the texture to look right. If I figure something out, I will post that one as well; at the moment, I do not like how it looks.

This image turned out pretty good though. :)


Besides lizards and dragon creatures and characters, I also like drawing armor.

There is a certain level of detail I am trying to accomplish. :)

As for the image itself, I have no idea where I was going with this, but here it is, lol.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Urgh... scales...

Doodle before leaving to an art jam. :)

Needed to break the laziness, lol.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

WIP and Doodles!

This is a WIP... :) I have this as printable size, so I might print it out and frame it when it is done. :D
These are some doodles that I started to mess with again. :P

Monday, September 6, 2010

Dragon and Some People

I did not finish it, but I wanted to post it anyways. :)

Having no scanner sucks; I have to use my digital camera to get the traditional images onto my computer. :\

Deafening and Blinding

Creature design for a "deadly assassin". I like the concept, but I just do not think it fits into the "assassin" part.

The two points on the head can create a spark (or flash) to blind other creatures.
The creature's roar is so loud that it is deafening to the ears. Humans would hear nothing but ringing for a while.

Nom-nom time if your prey cannot see or hear you coming. :P

But, I might try something else...