Clicking moves right

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lizard (Now with a new brush!)

Testing out a new brush. I will play with it a little more before I decide if I will continue using it or not. :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Realism VS Idealization

I randomly stumbled across this interesting article on Realism VS Idealization.

It is interesting to see what they try to sell us and what is actually being sold.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hellion WIP 2

Slowly poking at it. I still have a lot to do though, lol.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hellion WIP

I saw a few magic cards as I was surfing the web and decided to take a stab at their format.

Still fiddling with it as this is just a WIP and still have tons of stuff to add that I think would add more to the mood! :)

Understand it?

This use to be much harder, lol. OH WELL! I am not complaining. :)

I was slightly rushed on the bird to I did not get to finish it, but I still like it.

Maybe it is almost time to start drawing stuff I am uncomfortable with. (aka buildings, etc) O.o;

We'll see! :D

Monday, February 14, 2011

Coyote Bust

I attempted this general same idea a while back. Pulled an image off google of a coyote and roughly used it as reference. THIS time was less mind breaking and I did this one much faster as well. Even with more knowledge than before, I still learned something new from this! Maybe I'll try it again next year and see what else may progress.

In the end, reference is your friend as an artist. I really should use it more myself. *rolls eyes* Siiiigh!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Just testing out some other stuff with this one. I will probably revisit the idea at a later point.