Clicking moves right

Monday, March 21, 2011

Emperor Busts

Still need to work on refining her, but I like how she is coming out as a character. I was mostly worried about the face and overall head. I will figure out what the hair, crown, and all the other stuff will look like later, lol.

I pulled up reference of female leaders in history and the one that I felt that fit the position that I wanted is "Qin Liangyu".

Had some issues with the bottom view because I am not use to drawing humans as it is and keeping their proportions can be a mess sometimes especially at angles I am not use to.

As always, practice makes perfect! :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Something Weird

I had an idea in my head and this is what ended up being drawn; I have no real idea where I ended up with this, lol.

It does spark some more ideas though. :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thing Dragon... Thing...

Someday I may actually finish something, lol. Gah!

Anyways, this is what I am working on atm. :P

Lizard Test... Thing

Some art to hold you guys off for another few days, lol. Guess which inspired that other? xD

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Working on new website...

I am currently working on a new website, so that is why I haven't posted anything recently!

Do not worry though! Tomorrow I hope to be well rested and back to drawing. I need to decorate my new site with something, right? Lol.

Anyways, I will post a link here once I have officially moved from this one to that one. :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Comic Test Page

This is me... testing out a comic page layout. I have tried others before, but this is one that I am actually proud of, haha.

I am revamping a few of the characters, taking some characters out, switching around character rolls, but it is all for the good though. I felt my previous rendition was not as "dark" as I wanted it, so I am testing out some different adjustments until I settle on something I like and get the feel for what I want my audience to feel.

I am not sure if there will actually be a page like this in the comic, but it's tossing around ideas. :)

Friday, March 11, 2011


Not entirely too happy with these, but you gotta draw a lot of crap before you get to the better images right? Learned a few new things though. :)

I am having trouble choosing colors for a forest scene. I have no idea what I am not seeing yet, but I am sure that will eventually click the more that I do them.


MOAR Dutyr...

Some people like the WIP, so here is a little more done before bed tonight. :)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dutyr WIP

Getting there... still some work to go into it, lol.

I really do not like starting with black and white unless I plan on doing it all in black and white until the end. Now I have to keep pushing the values and colors in many directions until I find the color that I like. I guess it is more like actual paints, but it's a pain and very time consuming. :\

Other than that, I like it so far. :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

More Sh-tuff

Some randoms... and ideas I have been working with. :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

First day of ENV studies!

Since I felt like my characters and animals are pretty solid for the most part, I would go to one of my weaknesses... ENVIRONMENTS!

I tried searching for structure and architectural tutorials, but everyone just goes the easy way out and does some snowy mountains or something for tutorials, lol. I figured the next best thing is to pull up references and start doing that everyday instead of my life studies (well, maybe I will go back and do those ever once in a while to make sure I do not get rusty).

All the top half was done by reference. The last one I did out of my own head. My head started to break, so I defaulted to some characters for my comic at the bottom. :P

I hope to stay motivated to keep doing this. If I do, I will post more as I go! :D