Clicking moves right

Monday, August 8, 2011

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Another Human Test

I am still struggling with a few things and I still have to use reference at the moment. :|

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Trying something a little more bold again. Not sure if I did the perspective right, but at least I tried! Lol!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Another Test...

I think I will be doing black and whites for a while, so I am not learning colour on top of it. This is allowing me to see the values easier. This has been very much a success.

Reference was from something off of Google. :)

PS: I cheated... I picked something with no hair, haha!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

City Street Fight Speed Paint

I need to get back to doing life study speed paints, it would probably have benefited this image much better. I also tried something different and am trying to add backgrounds. I am struggling, but I have to start somewhere! :|

Slightly inspired from Monster Hunter Tri.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Character Bust

This is all I had time to work on it today, but here is what I have so far! :)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Character Line WIP

This is just something I have been messing with on the side lately. It has been good practice to develop silhouettes, character posture, and attitude. I am going to add to this some more characters and see how far I can branch out. So far, this has been a fun project.

And, look! I drew a human! I will draw some more on this line at some point. Practice makes perfect!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Tiger Reference Doodle

Without digital highlights.
and With digital highlights (well, mostly for the whites).

It was late and I did not feel like finishing up the water, lol. Apparently, I used reference off of a famous photograph. It was the first thing that came up in Google, so that is why I drew it! xD

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Speed Doodles and UDK 3 Tests

Speed paint to try something new... things like perspective... :P

I have been messing around with the Unreal Development Kit 3 lately. I wanted to see if I could turn it into some sort of old fashion RPG style gameplay. So far, I have most movement done, cursor to work correct (finally!), and testing out "talking" to NPC pawns with different "names".

I hope to post more again soon, I have been slack'n! :P

Monday, May 9, 2011

Charr Heads

Here are some Charr heads with some armor! It has been a while since I posted anything, so... yeah... here you go! :)

Friday, April 29, 2011

Charr-ish Things...

Since, I haven't not posted in a while, here are some little Charr things I made recently.

If I had to go back, I would fix a few pixels on the colored one. I only colored one frame to test something out.

Enjoy! :)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Woman Speedy

Wondering where I have been? Drawing, of course!

I have been trying to learn humans as much as possible and keep running into more problems one after another, but I am determined to learn this! I will start to attend a weekly figure drawing class on Fridays. I never truly understood why people would want to do it besides people telling me, "it is good for artists to do." But, whhhhyyyyyyyyy!?

Figure drawing is a good way to express body language, study the human figure, and many other things that I cannot even begin to list.

Humans are actually very simple, but, as always, I seem to over complicate what I am drawing. Shooting for realism probably is a long shot for me with humans and environments, but it is always good to have goals... right? :P

Monday, March 21, 2011

Emperor Busts

Still need to work on refining her, but I like how she is coming out as a character. I was mostly worried about the face and overall head. I will figure out what the hair, crown, and all the other stuff will look like later, lol.

I pulled up reference of female leaders in history and the one that I felt that fit the position that I wanted is "Qin Liangyu".

Had some issues with the bottom view because I am not use to drawing humans as it is and keeping their proportions can be a mess sometimes especially at angles I am not use to.

As always, practice makes perfect! :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Something Weird

I had an idea in my head and this is what ended up being drawn; I have no real idea where I ended up with this, lol.

It does spark some more ideas though. :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thing Dragon... Thing...

Someday I may actually finish something, lol. Gah!

Anyways, this is what I am working on atm. :P

Lizard Test... Thing

Some art to hold you guys off for another few days, lol. Guess which inspired that other? xD

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Working on new website...

I am currently working on a new website, so that is why I haven't posted anything recently!

Do not worry though! Tomorrow I hope to be well rested and back to drawing. I need to decorate my new site with something, right? Lol.

Anyways, I will post a link here once I have officially moved from this one to that one. :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Comic Test Page

This is me... testing out a comic page layout. I have tried others before, but this is one that I am actually proud of, haha.

I am revamping a few of the characters, taking some characters out, switching around character rolls, but it is all for the good though. I felt my previous rendition was not as "dark" as I wanted it, so I am testing out some different adjustments until I settle on something I like and get the feel for what I want my audience to feel.

I am not sure if there will actually be a page like this in the comic, but it's tossing around ideas. :)

Friday, March 11, 2011


Not entirely too happy with these, but you gotta draw a lot of crap before you get to the better images right? Learned a few new things though. :)

I am having trouble choosing colors for a forest scene. I have no idea what I am not seeing yet, but I am sure that will eventually click the more that I do them.


MOAR Dutyr...

Some people like the WIP, so here is a little more done before bed tonight. :)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dutyr WIP

Getting there... still some work to go into it, lol.

I really do not like starting with black and white unless I plan on doing it all in black and white until the end. Now I have to keep pushing the values and colors in many directions until I find the color that I like. I guess it is more like actual paints, but it's a pain and very time consuming. :\

Other than that, I like it so far. :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

More Sh-tuff

Some randoms... and ideas I have been working with. :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

First day of ENV studies!

Since I felt like my characters and animals are pretty solid for the most part, I would go to one of my weaknesses... ENVIRONMENTS!

I tried searching for structure and architectural tutorials, but everyone just goes the easy way out and does some snowy mountains or something for tutorials, lol. I figured the next best thing is to pull up references and start doing that everyday instead of my life studies (well, maybe I will go back and do those ever once in a while to make sure I do not get rusty).

All the top half was done by reference. The last one I did out of my own head. My head started to break, so I defaulted to some characters for my comic at the bottom. :P

I hope to stay motivated to keep doing this. If I do, I will post more as I go! :D

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lizard (Now with a new brush!)

Testing out a new brush. I will play with it a little more before I decide if I will continue using it or not. :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Realism VS Idealization

I randomly stumbled across this interesting article on Realism VS Idealization.

It is interesting to see what they try to sell us and what is actually being sold.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hellion WIP 2

Slowly poking at it. I still have a lot to do though, lol.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hellion WIP

I saw a few magic cards as I was surfing the web and decided to take a stab at their format.

Still fiddling with it as this is just a WIP and still have tons of stuff to add that I think would add more to the mood! :)

Understand it?

This use to be much harder, lol. OH WELL! I am not complaining. :)

I was slightly rushed on the bird to I did not get to finish it, but I still like it.

Maybe it is almost time to start drawing stuff I am uncomfortable with. (aka buildings, etc) O.o;

We'll see! :D

Monday, February 14, 2011

Coyote Bust

I attempted this general same idea a while back. Pulled an image off google of a coyote and roughly used it as reference. THIS time was less mind breaking and I did this one much faster as well. Even with more knowledge than before, I still learned something new from this! Maybe I'll try it again next year and see what else may progress.

In the end, reference is your friend as an artist. I really should use it more myself. *rolls eyes* Siiiigh!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Just testing out some other stuff with this one. I will probably revisit the idea at a later point.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Messing with pixels. I am probably going to mess with pixel stuff more. It is helping me learn a lot. :)

Anyways, here is a pixel-ated Charr. xD

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Comic Characters

A little more fleshed out characters for my story. :)