Clicking moves right

Friday, May 27, 2011

Another Test...

I think I will be doing black and whites for a while, so I am not learning colour on top of it. This is allowing me to see the values easier. This has been very much a success.

Reference was from something off of Google. :)

PS: I cheated... I picked something with no hair, haha!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

City Street Fight Speed Paint

I need to get back to doing life study speed paints, it would probably have benefited this image much better. I also tried something different and am trying to add backgrounds. I am struggling, but I have to start somewhere! :|

Slightly inspired from Monster Hunter Tri.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Character Bust

This is all I had time to work on it today, but here is what I have so far! :)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Character Line WIP

This is just something I have been messing with on the side lately. It has been good practice to develop silhouettes, character posture, and attitude. I am going to add to this some more characters and see how far I can branch out. So far, this has been a fun project.

And, look! I drew a human! I will draw some more on this line at some point. Practice makes perfect!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Tiger Reference Doodle

Without digital highlights.
and With digital highlights (well, mostly for the whites).

It was late and I did not feel like finishing up the water, lol. Apparently, I used reference off of a famous photograph. It was the first thing that came up in Google, so that is why I drew it! xD

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Speed Doodles and UDK 3 Tests

Speed paint to try something new... things like perspective... :P

I have been messing around with the Unreal Development Kit 3 lately. I wanted to see if I could turn it into some sort of old fashion RPG style gameplay. So far, I have most movement done, cursor to work correct (finally!), and testing out "talking" to NPC pawns with different "names".

I hope to post more again soon, I have been slack'n! :P

Monday, May 9, 2011

Charr Heads

Here are some Charr heads with some armor! It has been a while since I posted anything, so... yeah... here you go! :)