Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bike - Part 2

This is a close up of the part that I had trouble getting off. I ended up taking to a bike store and they same guy I talked to in the previous day helped me take it off there. You need like 2 or 3 special tools (more expensive than the chain tool) to get these bad boys off. He was a bunch of help! :)

I bought some new tires, too. Good for riding on the streets and I can go off-road as well. Guess where I went to buy them? :P

This is FINALLY the part all buy itself, but I still have several steps to go through before the "fun" part... PAINTING! :P

This bike has decals all over the place, so I need to figure out how to get them all off with little to no headache. I might have to go try the blow dryer idea. I was just going to scrap them off, but there are TOO MANY than I have the patience for, lol.

Enjoy Part 2! :D

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