Clicking moves right

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Matting done! :)

I went to Michael's and bought some frames. ^^

These make me full of happiness. Now I just need to hang them on the walls, lol. :)

Monday, August 30, 2010

First Matting!

I bought two prints from Katy about a year ago and decided to start with the smaller one.

I just need to buy some artist tape to finish this one and move on to the bigger one. :D

The bigger print that I got is this one: I cannot wait to frame and hang this one! ^^;

...and finally used my mat cutter... yay! :P

Dragon Doodle

It has been a while since I have posted a drawing, so here is a doodle. I started using traditional media a little more as well. This makes me happy, lol. ^^

Thursday, August 19, 2010

"de_turk" final! (Map)

Okay... I would have had this done MUCH sooner, but I got some hang ups in the final parts of this map. Some things that I WILL NOT do again.

Aftermath: I have learned a lot from doing this again. Stuff that I have long forgotten. Do it right the first time will make it easier for the next map. :P Also, map optimization is VERY important to the client and myself (for map compiling time).

I will find a place to upload this after I wake up. Right now, I need a break from this process. I was getting so irritated when everything was working for everyone else, but not me. After I messed around with different fixes and spending countless hours trying to fix them, I have found that EVERY tutorial I came across for creating your own textures for a map were doing the same thing wrong. Uuurgh!

Anyways, night-night, enjoy all! ^^

Monday, August 16, 2010

Music That Inspires Me...

This is only one group of several that I enjoy listening to, especially live.

Live performances seem to have more "life" and the crowd really makes the music feel more soothing to me. I listen to the entire concert, but I found a clip on youtube to share from "Muse - Live at Wembley - H.A.A.R.P. Tour 2007". It does not only sound great, but it is visually appealing as well.. This! ...gets me inspired and motivated!

I also enjoy listening to "Meat Loaf - Live with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra". :)

Almost Done! (Map)

Top snapshots is pretty much the walkable map.

Bottom is a little closer to give a little more "feel" of the areas.

Turns out this will be a bomb map. I will probably make multiple versions of this map for other game modes.

Will probably touch up a few more things tomorrow. Things that I have to figure out how to get them to work, or adding more props so the area isn't too bland.

When I am done, I am going to release a beta version for testing. Hopefully everything goes well. :)

Oh yeah... and creating the vis for the map... grrr...

Sunday, August 15, 2010

More Lights and Important Buildings (Map)

It is getting there. Still have a few more areas to work with.

Pros and cons about being a perfectionist. The map should look good... bad news is I will probably spend a good chunk of the time doing the cleanup work to prepare for the "just in case" situations, lol.

Hope whoever is checking this blog enjoys the progress. :)

Edit: I just found out that the light_environment was not loading correctly. Next time you will see a major difference in the lighting. :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Lights Update (Map)

Finally got the lights to work... almost, lol.

Once I get more of the other areas done, I'll start posting them. :) I have about 3-4 more areas to make all pretty. :P

Uuurgh! Lights! (Map)

Okay, so it has definately been a while since I have last done this. :P

I am really struggling with the lighting on this level. I am thinking about trying it from a different approach. I am finding that the "light"s that the engine provides is not working the way that I want them to. I tried many different settings and everything, but I still cannot get it to push the lighting a little more "brighter" for the areas around it. Perhaps I should finish the rest of the level before I start messing with this.

Either way, here is what I started today. Read/watched many tutorials and such. I'll post more on it as I make progress. :)

Edit: Now that I see this on my other monitor, it is hard to really see anything! Uuurgh! The next update won't be mostly black... I swear! :|

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New Look! ^^

I was having a hard time drawing anything the other night. I couldn't even draw a straight line if my life depended on it. It rarely happens, but it does happen.

SO... I decided to spice up this blog a bit. I used the default template and started to customize it. I was originally going to have code ready for a "Featured" section over the blog entries, but it seemed to take away the focus of why people would even visit this blog in the first place. I also added a header image, but then decided why not combine the two.

At some point, I would like to make it link to images directly or special entries or events. At the moment this has to be hard coded, so I am scared to touch it anymore at the moment, lol.

I plan on drawing again soon... just needed a break so I do not burn myself out. :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Up-down City Corner

Something I cooked up before bed. :)

For as many people are walking, there should be much more vehicles. But I am too tired and have to get up in a few hours for work. :P

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Rocky Start...

Something almost clicked... I felt it for a second then lost it again, lol. ^^

Practice makes perfect! Now what I "should" be doing is doing some sketches in my sketchbook. ;P

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Eagle Speed Paint

Wanted to try something different. :)

Forgot to Post

Something I forgot to post a little ways back. :) Enjoy!

Dragon Invasion 2 WIP

Yay! Another WIP! :P

So I took a little inspiration from some Japanese artists. Mostly for the humans because I have a hard time drawing them.

Overall, I like how this one came out. I love the character on the left the most because he seems to be giving off a lot of emotion in this image.

More to come! :)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Another try...

Tried to draw the dragon again from a straight on view. He is beginning to be fun to draw. :D

Dragon Invasion

I may or may not play with this idea some more.

More practice with backgrounds and environments. This stuff breaks my brain. O.o

(Edit: I drew the road and vehicles a little too small, lol.)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Back Problems

Looks like back problems to me anyways...

Did something a little different with the robot this time. :)


I do not really know where I was going with this one. :\ But... here it is... lol.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Robot Thing

I have decided to try to draw more robots, mecha, whatever... ;P

I like how this one came out. Need to mess more with silhouettes to see what other things I can create. :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

8/1 Doodles


I see you! :P

Yeah, horrible pun... but here's some sloppy eye paints. The only part that I "cheated" on was the dots in the second eye. I was a little impatient on attempting to do that, lol.