Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New Look! ^^

I was having a hard time drawing anything the other night. I couldn't even draw a straight line if my life depended on it. It rarely happens, but it does happen.

SO... I decided to spice up this blog a bit. I used the default template and started to customize it. I was originally going to have code ready for a "Featured" section over the blog entries, but it seemed to take away the focus of why people would even visit this blog in the first place. I also added a header image, but then decided why not combine the two.

At some point, I would like to make it link to images directly or special entries or events. At the moment this has to be hard coded, so I am scared to touch it anymore at the moment, lol.

I plan on drawing again soon... just needed a break so I do not burn myself out. :)

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